1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-Napthol(PAN)Metal Ind.Reg 5gm

metal indicator Reag. Ph Eur

Manufacturer: Merck

Catalog ID: 107531.0005

Stock: In Stock



Catalogue Number 107531
Synonyms PAN

Product Information

CAS number 85-85-8
EC number 201-637-9
Grade Reag. Ph Eur
Hill Formula C₁₅H₁₁N₃O
Molar Mass 249.27 g/mol
HS Code 2933 39 99

Physicochemical Information

Melting Point 136 - 141 °C
Bulk density 190 kg/m3

Storage and Shipping Information

Storage Store at +5°C to +30°C.


Identity (UV/VIS-Spectrum) passes test
Appearance brick-red to orange-brown fine powder,eventually cohesive
Appearance of solution (1.0 g/l; ethanol) Clear to almost clear, red-orange to brown-orange
Melting point 136 - 141 °C
Absorption maximum λmax. (Ethanol) 461 - 465 nm
Spec. Absorptivity A 1%/1cm (λmax; 0.01 g/l; Ethanol) 670 - 720
Suitability as indicator (for metal titration) passes test
Sensitivity test (Reag. Ph Eur) passes test
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