1-Naphtholphthalein Indicator 1 Grm


Manufacturer: Merck

Catalog ID: 106246.0001

Stock: In Stock



Catalogue Number 106246

Product Information

CAS number 596-01-0
EC number 209-875-5
Hill Formula C₂₈H₁₈O₄
Molar Mass 418.45 g/mol
HS Code 2932 20 90

Physicochemical Information

Melting Point 253 - 255 °C
Bulk density 350 kg/m3

Storage and Shipping Information

Storage Store below +30°C.


Identity (UV/VIS-Spectrum) passes test
Transition range pH 7.1 - pH 8.3 pinkbrownish - blue
Absorption maximum λ 1 (buffer pH 7.1) 470 - 485 nm
Absorption maximum λ 2 (buffer pH 8.3) 649 - 654 nm
Spec. Absorptivity A 1%/1cm (λ1max; 0.01 g/l; buffer pH 7.1; calc. on anhydrous substance) 100 - 180
Spec. Absorptivity A 1%/1cm (λ2max; 0.01 g/l; buffer pH 8.3; calc. on anhydrous substance) 360 - 520
Loss on drying (110 °C) ≤ 5 %
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