Pyridine Extra Pure 1Ltr


Manufacturer: Merck

Catalog ID: 107462.1000

Stock: In Stock



Catalogue Number 107462
Synonyms Azine, Azabenzene
Overview EMPLURA®  is our low-cost alternative to high-purity qualities. With EMPLURA®  we offer a range of solvents for a plurality of basic applications in non-regulated industries and for less demanding applications, preparative laboratory work and cleaning purposes. EMPLURA®solvents provide adequate specifications with the most important parameters.

Product Information

CAS number 110-86-1
EC index number 613-002-00-7
EC number 203-809-9
Hill Formula C₅H₅N
Molar Mass 79.1 g/mol
HS Code 2933 31 00

Physicochemical Information

Boiling point 115 °C (1013 hPa)
Density 0.982 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Evaporation number 12.7
Flash point 17 °C
Ignition temperature 482 °C
Melting Point -42 °C
pH value 8.81 (H₂O, 20 °C)
Vapor pressure 26.7 hPa (25 °C)
Solubility 1000 g/l soluble

Toxicological Information

LD 50 oral LD50 Rat 891 mg/kg
LD 50 dermal LD50 Rabbit 1121 mg/kg

Storage and Shipping Information

Storage Store at +5°C to +30°C.


Purity (GC) ≥ 99.0 %
Identity (IR) conforms
Density (d 20 °C/ 4 °C) 0.982 - 0.984
Evaporation residue ≤ 0.01 %
Water ≤ 0.1 %
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