Polyvinyl Alcohol MW 30K 1KG

(Mw approx. 30000) for synthesis

Manufacturer: Merck

Catalog ID: 843868.1000

Stock: In Stock



Catalogue Number 843868
Synonyms PVA, PVOH

Product Information

CAS number 25213-24-5
Hill Formula (C₄H₆O₂ * C₂H₄O)n
HS Code 3905 30 00

Physicochemical Information

Density 1.3 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Ignition temperature >230 °C
Melting Point >200 °C
Bulk density 400 - 600 kg/m3

Storage and Shipping Information

Storage Store below +30°C.


Degree of hydrolysis (calculated on dried substance) ≥ 85.0 %
dyn.Viscosity, 20°C (4 %; water) 3.4 - 4.6 mPa∙s
Loss on drying (110 °C 2h) ≤ 5.0 %
Ash ≤ 1.0 %
Ester value 130 - 150
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