Potassium Bromide for IR Spectroscopy 100grm

for IR spectroscopy Uvasol®

Manufacturer: Merck

Catalog ID: 104907.0100

Stock: In Stock



Catalogue Number 104907
Replaces PX1378
Synonyms Hydrobromic Acid Potassium Salt
Overview Potassium bromide is transparent from the near UV to long wave IR wavelengths. In IR-spectroscopy, solid samples which are difficult to melt or dissolve in any suitable IR-transmitting solvent, are analyzed by grinding with Potassium bromide powder, and pressing into a disc. This procedure has a high quality demand of the used potassium bromide. Potassium bromide Uvasol® is adjusted to a mean particle size of 150 μm. This is sufficient for the preparation of perfectly good pellets without the need for further pre-treatment and the associated risk of contamination. It also retains its powdery form over a period of years if stored in an air-tight condition. Its physical suitability for pelletising is checked by a special application test and its chemical purity established by full spectrum FT-IR analysis.

Product Information

CAS number 7758-02-3
EC number 231-830-3
Hill Formula BrK
Chemical formula KBr
Molar Mass 119.00 g/mol
HS Code 2827 51 00

Physicochemical Information

Boiling point 1435 °C (1013 hPa)
Density 2.75 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Melting Point 730 °C
pH value 5.5 - 8.5 (50 g/l, H₂O, 20 °C)
Vapor pressure 1.3 hPa (795 °C)
Bulk density 900 - 1000 kg/m3
Solubility 650 g/l

Toxicological Information

LD 50 oral LD50 Rat > 2000 mg/kg

Storage and Shipping Information

Storage Store at +5°C to +30°C.


Application test passes test
Absorbance(2g pressed disk, 0.5 cm layer thickness)(Water; 3775-3050/1760-1520 cm⁻¹) ≤ 0.15
Absorbance(2g pressed disk, 0.5 cm layer thickness)(CH-compounds; 3050-2750 cm⁻¹) ≤ 0.004
Absorbance(2g pressed disk, 0.5 cm layer thickness)(other ; 4000-400 cm⁻¹) ≤ 0.020
Particle Size (d10) ≤ 100 µm
Particle Size (d50) ≤ 200 µm
Particle Size (d90) ≤ 500 µm
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